Product Update

Super Connectors Network Launch

We are excited to announce that SmallWorld is revolutionizing how companies like Cloudflare, Cordial, and ThreeFlow secure credible referrals and warm introductions. Our platform drives conversion rates of 55% on introduction requests, and now we’re taking it a step further with the launch of our new network, Super Connectors.

Super Connectors offers a more authentic way for individual salespeople to access referrals and warm introductions through an extended network of trusted relationships. Unlike traditional methods that rely on “mutual connections” on LinkedIn, SmallWorld uniquely threads together relationship strength data, ensuring you only see people with whom you have a trusted relationship in common. This creates “small world” moments, unlocking access to key target prospects through the power of trust.

Our system is designed with privacy and anonymity in mind, giving you complete control over your network and accessibility. We invite you to join the Super Connectors network today and see how it can transform your Q1 results!

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